Producing tender, exquisitely marbled Wagyu beef.
Our Business
We continue to maximise our carrying capacity at 'Dunbar' and our leased country by constantly improving our pastures and crops and strategic supplementary feeding practices.

We aim to continuously improve marbling of our cattle while still focussing on fertility, growth rate and milking attributes.

The current mating season will see us produce some 35 fullblood embryos, 40 fullblood calves, 90 purebred calves and approx 60 third-cross calves.

Our current program is focussed on increasing purebred and fullblood numbers producing steers for top end markets in Australia and Japan.

Approx 50 hectares is devoted to crops for feeding to weaners in late winter and spring. Some cropping country has been converted to pasture, while other areas have been planted with Leucaena and legumes.

In 2015 we purchased a small mob of well-bred fullblood heifers from Simon Coates of Sumo Pastoral Co. These females have formed the nucleus of our 'top end' breeding group.

We continually aim to increase our breeder performance and the average daily gain of our young cattle. We feed high protein pellets to young cattle and silage based rations to our breeders.


Our beginnings
Early 2000 saw us purchase three Black Wagyu Bulls by Michifuku and Teratuni which were bought to mate back over the first cross heifers by the Red Wagyu Bulls at 'Conloi' in the Wandoan district.

Our best Black Wagyu
JHGFD037 was one of our best Wagyu Bulls by TF 151 out of a Michifuku cow. He consistently sired 80 calves per year at 'Conloi' until his death in 2017.
Current Bloodlines
Click on the images below to see each Wagyu Animal Details on the AWA Public database.

We are hoping that this bull from Michifuku and Tajima bloodlines will drive our business to new heights.